Follow the writing process

Dear Friends and Readers,

I’m hitting the road—or the globe—again to research and write my next book, a Victorian Gothic novel that will venture into mythology, horror, and the occult. I thought it might be fun to record the process of researching and writing the book in a way that people could follow as I deal with the joys and sorrows of putting together an historical novel.

I’ll be posting about travel encounters and adventures, as well as some of the writing issues that I (and every other writer) inevitably encounter along the way. I hope that creative writing students will find it particularly interesting to observe this process.

Please feel free to participate. Post your comments and questions on my blog,, or if you “tweet,” use Twitter. Click Here to begin following me on Twitter. The posts will also appear on Facebook and Myspace. I’ll respond as I can. It will be fun to include readers in the actual process.

Thanks for all your support and kind words on Stealing Athena. I’m in the U. K. right now, where the controversy over the return of the Elgin Marbles continues. The paperback is coming out on April 28th, and I’ll be blogging about the latest developments on the fate of the precious stones. I’ll be returning to the U. S. for the paperback tour, and will soon post dates on my website.

Also, in coming weeks, by popular request since the death of Bettie Page, I’ll be posting my original L. A. Weekly cover story that led to her revival.

That’s it for now. It’s almost Spring. Stay warm and hang in there.

As ever,
