As I write this, I’m reflecting on an experience that has left me both grateful and contemplative. I recently fell in love with a spacious condo that has the floor to ceiling windows and inspiring view that I’ve dreamt of for years.
Knowing I could negotiate a better price if I paid cash, I borrowed from my IRA to make the purchase—risky because I had only 60 days to return the money or face a six-figure tax bill on the withdrawal. Thus when the buyer of my previous home missed three closings, I had to scramble for quickie “bridge loan” to replenish my IRA in time. While these loans are expensive, they’re less costly than paying a massive tax penalty. In the end, I was proud that I had the financial savvy and wherewithal to aggressively pursue and land the loan.... Read more.
Women are famously inept at asking for what we deserve—a raise, a long-awaited promotion, a rest, equal pay for equal work, help around the house, help at the office, or yes, even an orgasm. I thought I'd moved past all that, but no.
We think of royal or aristocratic women as being spoiled ladies of leisure, but my research into the past demonstrates that the opposite was true.
At the age of 18, when Princess Kleopatra was named co-regent by her addled father, she inherited a kingdom rife with crises: drought, rebellion, massive debt, marauding Roman soldiers sent to “protect” Egypt, conniving eunuchs eager for a coup, and sibling rivalries that would eventually become fatal (for the others!). Don’t know about you, but I had more trivial problems in my teens.... Read more.
Would you believe that Queen Kleopatra’s highest self-definition was that of mother? Many will be surprised, but it is true that once she had children, her every choice was made to safeguard them—a son, Caesarion, with Julius Caesar, and a daughter, Kleopatra Selene, and two sons, Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus, with the love of her life, Mark Antony.
It’s been one of my life’s missions to present a multi-faceted portrait of this most powerful woman. Contrary to the popular trope that she was manipulative and power-hungry, in PHARAOH: Book II of my two-volume KLEOPATRA series, you’ll read of the deep love and devotion Kleopatra had for her children as well as for the country of Egypt. In fact, the Egyptian people referred to her as Mother Egypt, a fierce protector who would stop at nothing to ensure the safety of her children and her country, even if it meant putting herself in danger—indeed, losing her life. ... Read more.
From NOW through midnight December 2nd, KLEOPATRA BOOK I: The Early Years will be on massive discount at $1.99. Grab a copy for your holiday reading.
“A spectacular read for those who love historical fiction about strong willed women!”
—Gwendalyn Books
You might also want to preorder the sequel, PHARAOH: Book II of Kleopatra, now at a special pre-order price – which will be increasing on December 15th, which is publication day.
For physical book lovers, PHARAOH will have its paperback debut early in 2023 (which is scarily soon!). Thanks to all who convinced me to produce a paperback version of KLEOPATRA, and special thanks to all who ordered it.